My School's First Day.

Hello Guys, Today I'm Sharing My First Day In School When I Was 6 Years Old. So I Don't Know Why But Every One Gets Nervous On Their First Day Of School. Well, I Wasn't Alone I Was With My Sister. We Had No Idea That What's Gonna Happen.

We Entered The Class & We Were Sitting On Last Bench & Some How It Got Finished & We Had No Idea That What Did We Learned. It Was School's Off Time & The Woman Standing
Next To School Gate Is Not Allowing Us To Go Out. We Taught She Is The Monster.

We Started Crying As Well. But Still, She Didn't Allow Us & Later On We Saw Everybody Eating & We Came To Know That It Wasn't School's Off Time. It Was a Break. So I Don't Remember What We Did Next. But After The Break Finished We Came To Our Classes.

That's It. I Was 6 Year Old So I Don't Remember What Happened Next & This Happened Almost 12 Years Ago In 2007. I Don't Know How Those Times Passed Away. I Still Remember How I Cried When That Woman Didn't Allow Us To Go Out.

Later On, My Father Came To Pick Us Up & We Went Home. I Don't Remember What Happened The Next Day. What I Remember Of The First Day Is Only Crying Scene That Why That Women Didn't Allow Us To Go Out. But Then I Realized It Was a Break Not Off Time.

That Is It Guys. I Hope That You Remember Your First Day Of School. That Was My First Day Of School. I Hope You Guys Like It. Thank You For Reading & Share This Story With Your Friend.        
